Lincoln Minster School

Scholarships & Bursaries

Our scholarship programmes enable talented pupils to develop in those subjects for which they have aptitude and passion.

Scholarships are offered at entry to Years 7, 9 and 12 for both existing pupils and external applicants. Applications are now open for September 2025, with a closing date of the 15th November 2024. 

We are proud to offer scholarships across a variety of subjects including:

  • Academic –  An exam covering English and Maths, and include general aptitude tests
  • Art – Outstanding artistic ability and commitment
  • Drama – Assessment based on audition
  • Music – Musicians with a minimum standard required per age group, assessment based on audition
  • Sport – District or County level

To apply for a Year 7, 9 and 12 scholarship for entry in September 2025, click here.

The Scholarship assesments will be held w/c 13th January 2025. Dates TBC.

Sixth Form Scholarship applications will be processed earlier, with offers being sent by 1st December 2024.

More information is available in our Scholarship Information Booklet, or contact our Admissions team with any questions on 01522 551300 or

Lincoln Minster School seeks to promote accessibility by making alternative payment submission options available through both our Scholarship programme and means tested bursaries as appropriate.

Apply Now

To apply for a Year 7, Year 9 or Year 12 scholarship for September 2025 entry, click below.

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Our scholarship programmes enable talented pupils to develop in those subjects for which they have aptitude and passion. Scholars play a full and active role in the life of the school, representing and championing their area of scholarship.

Scholarships are available for Academic learning, Art, Drama, Music and Sport. Scholarships are highly prized, and awarded on the basis of exceptional potential or proven talent.

The assessment criteria are as follows:


Achieving an appropriate standard in English, maths, and general aptitude tests.


Demonstrating outstanding artistic ability and commitment, through portfolio, assessment and references.


Demonstrating experience, passion and attitude, through portfolio or written statement, audition and interview.


Prior achievement of a minimum standard (varies by age) on main instrument/voice and theory grades, and audition.


Evidence of competing to a high standard (varies by sport), assessment and references.

Further details of each scholarship programme, and the assessment criteria, can be found in the scholarship booklet.

Scholarships attract a small financial award (typically a discount of 5% on the annual tuition fee), and continuity of scholarship status is dependent on attainment and engagement with the programme. A pupil may hold only one scholarship, unless combining Academic with a maximum of one other scholarship: this ensures that they can fulfil the necessary time commitments required of a scholar.

For families who would require additional financial support to enable your child to attend, you may also apply for means-tested fee assistance. Please note that any financial award made in association with a scholarship will form part of any total award, and will not be in addition to it. You can read more about means-tested fee assistance in Help with Fees.

How to apply for a scholarship

Complete and submit the online Application Form listing your scholarship request and pay the application fee. You can apply for your place at the school before the scholarship window opens. If you have already applied before the scholarship application window opens, please contact our Admissions Manager.

The scholarship application window runs from October to November, and your scholarship application must be submitted within this time frame in order to be considered (specific dates will be advertised on our website).

Assessments for entry to Year 7 will be carried out in January and we will write to you before February half-term to confirm the outcome of your application.

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Help with fees

Our Help with Fees (bursary) programme offers means-tested fee assistance to support pupils whose families could not otherwise afford the full tuition fee. Funds for this programme are very limited, and awards will be made on the basis of financial need and performance in the entrance and scholarship assessment. Awards are reassessed on an annual basis, and any change to your financial circumstances will be taken into account.

Fee Assistance is available from the beginning of Year 7. Please note that the maximum award is 50% of the tuition fee, including any financial award made as part of a scholarship.

How to apply for a bursary

Apply for a place at Lincoln Minster School, and pay the application fee. Note on the application form that you will be submitting an application for help with fees.

Complete and submit the Bursary Application Form (available from our Admissions Manager), together with any supporting documents required. The bursary application window runs from 1 September to 31 December for support from the following September, and awards are considered following the entrance assessment date in January. Every year we receive more applications than we are able to support, and you are strongly advised to apply as early as possible.

Please note that we also take into account performance in the entrance assessment, and the outcome of any scholarship applications, in allocating funds.

We will write to you in February to confirm the outcome of your application.

If you have any questions regarding fees, please contact us.

01522 551300 |

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Frequently asked questions

What is the Scholarship application procedure?

Applicants should complete the online Scholarship Application Form, which can be found on the school website, indicating their choice of discipline/s. External applicants are required to pay a Scholarship application fee of £155. This can be paid via BACS, to the Barclays Bank account Sort Code: 20-46-50 Account Number: 30035688 - with the applicant's name and 'Scholarship fee' as the reference. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque, made payable to 'Lincoln Minster School'. Candidates will be invited to the Scholarship Assessment Days and contacted with all relevant details.

How do we prepare our child for the academic scholarship examinations?

The tests used on our Scholarship Assessment Day are designed to show the overall ability of the candidate and as such cannot be specifically prepared for. None of the examinations are specific to any syllabus, meaning that all students have an equal chance of success. They are not to be feared and are conducted in a friendly environment. Applicants are invited to wear home clothes for the day.

How quickly will we hear the results of the Scholarship Assessment Days?

After conclusion of the Scholarship Assessment Days, the process of assessing the results is commenced immediately, with a view to making any awards as soon as possible. Many pupils apply for more than one discipline, meaning the assessment process can prove complicated, but results are usually sent to parents by February half term.

How are the Scholarships awarded?

Awards vary from year to year, as do the candidates. The process ensures that applicants are appropriately awarded in the discipline/s in which they performed most successfully. In a year of high achieving candidates, it could be that there are only a few high awards. Alternatively, it could be that many candidates are worthy of an award and therefore more awards of a lesser amount would be offered.

How long do Scholarships last?

Scholarships awarded in Year 7 normally continue through to the completion of A-Levels. They are subject to continued effort and performance as set out in the Scholarship offer letter.

Are Scholarships considered at entry into other year groups?

Applications other than those for Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12 are considered on a case by case basis as appropriate.

How much funding support might my child be eligible for?

The maximum funding level is 50%, but the level of any award will be based on your financial circumstances. The average award is 25% of the tuition fee.

Is there funding available for extras such as uniform and trips?

No; means-tested fee assistance is a contribution to the cost of tuition.

Can I apply for assistance to offset the cost of school bus fees?

No; means-tested fee assistance is a contribution to the cost of tuition.

I have missed the application deadline. Can I still apply?

If we still have funds available we will be happy to consider your application, but do check with us before you apply.

Does my child need to apply for a scholarship in order to be considered for a Bursary?

No, but the outcome of scholarship applications will be taken into account in allocating funds.

Can you indicate whether we might be eligible for an award before we apply?

The assessment takes into account all of your income and assets, so it is difficult to give any guidance without your full financial information, but do contact us for initial guidance.

Please note that performance in the entrance and scholarship assessments is also taken into account, and funding is limited. Even if you meet the financial criteria there is no guarantee that we can make an award.

If we do not receive an award, is the application fee refunded?

Yes. If you are not eligible for a financial award, we will still consider your application for a place at the school in line with our admissions policy. If you accept a place without a financial award you will be liable for the full fee.

Can I apply for help with fees after my child has been awarded a place at the school?

You must tell us in advance if you require help with fees. We may be able to consider an application if you can demonstrate a significant change in your financial circumstances since accepting the place, but the outcome of assessments and scholarships, and the availability of bursary funds, will still be taken into account.

Scholarship Information 2025

Scholarship Information 2025