Lincoln Minster School

Duke of Edinburgh

Adventures of a lifetime

Our delivery of the Duke of Edinburgh program effortlessly incorporates progression and growth, with the bonus of challengingly adventurous expeditions across incredible landscapes.

There are three progressive levels, with support and the opportunity to grow friendships throughout. The award tailors itself to any interest or ambition and promotes a transferable skill set of commitment and work ethics.

Practice expeditions take place in Lincoln's surrounding areas, such as Willingham Woods, progressing onto the magnificent Sherwood Forest for Bronze and the Peak District for Silver and Gold.

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  • 2 Day Expedition
  • 3 Months Volunteering
  • 3 Months Physical Fitness
  • 3 Months Skills


  • 3 Day Expedition
  • 6 Months Volunteering
  • 6 Months Physical Fitness
  • 6 Months Skills


  • 4 Day Expedition
  • 12 Months Volunteering
  • 12 Months Physical Fitness
  • 12 Months Skills
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Expedition Modules

  • Navigation
  • Cooking and campcraft
  • Personal and group kit
  • Countryside Code and Conservation
  • Weather
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Get Involved

To speak to the organisers and express an interest please content our Senior School office on or 01522 551300.

Read more on the Duke of Edinburgh website.