Lincoln Minster School
A welcoming community of parents

A welcoming community of parents

Friends of Lincoln Minster School

A welcoming community of parents, staff and friends of the school with a mission to make the school a better place for pupils to learn.

Friends of Lincoln Minster School (FoLMS) connects all those who are a part of the school to offer their support in a variety of social and fundraising events.

With the support of a number of local businesses, the Friends hold an array of events across the school year to raise funds in support of their missions. Recent events have included Summer and Christmas Fairs, quiz nights, a family movie afternoon and the annual FoLMS Summer Ball. All parents and staff are automatically members of FoLMS and warmly encouraged to become as involved as time and circumstances allow.

By getting involved with our community, supporters have the chance to meet new people, make a difference and enrich the school for the benefit of the pupils. Recent fundraising has enabled FoLMS to buy an overhead projector, outdoor play equipment, a mud kitchen for Preparatory, the provision of basketball hoops for the Senior school and high-vis armbands for the Preparatory pupils to wear on their way to and from school.

Get involved today

If you want to get involved in FoLMS in any capacity we’d love to hear from you.

Email our FoLMS committee at