Course Content and Methodology
Families and Households
The family is one of the most fundamental social institutions in our lives. It is a place where we learn values, roles and identities. We explore the way in which factors such as sexuality, ethnicity, social class and social expectations have all played a major part in changing the way we understand the nature and role of the family in contemporary society.
Education with Research Methods
In this part of the course, we examine the role of the education system in wider society. This section of the course also includes an investigation into research methods. Sociologists have to do research and provide evidence for the claims they make. We look at how sociologists do this and the usefulness of different methods in sociological research. For instance, how would one go about researching gangs in Glasgow?
The Media
This unit examines the relationship between ownership and control of the media. It looks at how people in society are influenced more than ever by the new media, how it is presented and who decides what is selected and portrayed in the media. We look at the media, globalisation and popular culture. This unit also examines media representations of age, social class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and disability, as well as the relationship between the media, their content, presentation and audiences.
Crime and Deviance with Theories and Methods
A fascinating aspect of the course examining the causes, patterns and effects of crime and deviance in society. At this point in the course we also revisit the way that Sociologists research society as well as look at the range of Sociological perspectives that have formed Sociological theories. Various resources will be used to facilitate the learning process including TV documentaries, designing display boards, team essay writing, newspaper analysis and visiting speakers.